Top 10 Last Minute Things To Do Before Moving

Top 10 Last Minute Things To Do Before Moving

From making memories to more practical must-dos, this checklist for last minute things to do before moving will ensure that everything is in order and shipshape before (and on) moving day.

A new life awaits, but before you say goodbye to your old house, go over this helpful checklist to make sure you haven’t overlooked anything.

Keep your essentials in a secure location

First and foremost, secure your purse and all belongings, such as your wallet, phone, vehicle keys, and new house keys, in a secure location where they won’t be misplaced, packed, or locked in the house you’re leaving. You can’t afford to lose these today!

Make a tiny basic box for each family member

Favorite food, age-appropriate devices, books, pajamas, blanket and pillow, washcloth, and toothbrush should all be included. If you have a long travel ahead of you, everything they could need is in the box, which means you won’t have to go out looking for necessities if you arrive late that night.

Prepare a cleaning supply package for your new house

If possible, arrive before the movers so you may sweep around the house before the boxes and furnishings are unloaded. Cleaning your rooms is important before moving. If you don’t have enough time to do it by yourself, you can hire a professional home cleaning service.

Get the kettle ready

In a tiny package, you’ll find cups, teabags, coffee, UHT milk, and snacks so you can rehydrate as soon as you arrive at your new home. Of course, unpacking always goes more smoothly when everyone enjoys a hot drink!

Arrange for a supermarket delivery to your new location

It means you’ll have the essentials before having to make a large grocery shop excursion – and you might not even know where the nearest supermarket is!

Take a look at the gas and electric meters

You’ll be up to date on your consumption and be able to notify the necessary suppliers.

Perform a last-minute check

If you have kids or dogs, it’s simple for toys or one of a pair of shoes to get left in cabinets, closets, or storage locations. Likewise, make sure kids haven’t taken a favorite blanket and dropped it somewhere without anybody knowing.

Get the house in order quickly

Everything is so much simpler now that it’s all out and packaged. It shouldn’t take long with the correct tools and everyone pitching in. Quick cleaning tip: Flash Magic Erasers will remove even the most stubborn stains, and scuff marks you thought were permanent.

Take a family photo in the backyard

Assemble in your favorite position, set your phone’s timer, and snap a few final photos of your old house. It’s a time to look ahead rather than back, but a bright and cheery snapshot can help you recall your old haunts with fondness.

Leave a bottle of bubbly with the keys

You had no clue the house had so many doors and windows until you needed to find the keys to all of them, right? Collect them and label them, then set them on the kitchen counter with a good luck note and a bottle of champagne for your home’s future family. It’s a kind and helpful gesture that will be deeply valued. Take a deep breath, push your shoulders back, and step out – hello, new life!


We have listed top 10 last minute things to do before moving for everyone who moves to new house. If you want to learn more moving hacks from a professional moving company, follow our blogs.