How to Move a Dresser Upstairs: A Step-by-Step Guide for a Smooth Transition

How to Move a Dresser Upstairs: A Step-by-Step Guide for a Smooth Transition

How to Move a Dresser Upstairs: Moving furniture, especially large and heavy items like dressers, can be a challenging task. When it comes to moving a dresser upstairs, proper planning, technique, and teamwork are essential for a successful and injury-free process. In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to move a dresser upstairs safely and efficiently, without the need for professional assistance.

How to Move a Dresser Upstairs

  1. Gather the Necessary Tools and Supplies: Before you begin moving the dresser, gather the tools and supplies you’ll need. This may include furniture sliders, moving blankets or pads, a dolly or hand truck, straps or ropes for securing the dresser, and a measuring tape to ensure it will fit through doorways and staircases.
  2. Clear the Path: Clear the pathway from the dresser’s current location to the desired upstairs location. Remove any obstacles, such as rugs, furniture, or decorative items, that may hinder the smooth movement of the dresser. Ensure the stairs are clear of any tripping hazards and have adequate lighting.
  3. Measure Doorways and Staircases: Measure the dimensions of doorways, staircases, and any tight spaces the dresser needs to pass through. This step is crucial to ensure the dresser will fit through these areas without any difficulties. If the dresser is too wide or tall, you may need to disassemble it partially to make it easier to maneuver.
  4. Empty the Dresser: Remove all items from the dresser drawers and pack them separately. This will make the dresser lighter and easier to handle during the move. It also reduces the risk of damage to both the dresser and its contents.
  5. Protect the Dresser: Wrap the dresser with moving blankets or pads to protect it from scratches and dents during the move. Secure the blankets with packing tape or straps to keep them in place. This extra layer of protection will help maintain the dresser’s condition throughout the process.
  6. Use Furniture Sliders: If the dresser is too heavy to lift, place furniture sliders underneath the corners or edges. This will allow you to slide the dresser across the floor with minimal effort. Ensure the sliders are properly positioned and secure before attempting to move the dresser.
  7. Utilize a Dolly or Hand Truck: If the dresser is too large or heavy to carry, use a dolly or hand truck to transport it upstairs. Position the dresser securely on the dolly, ensuring it is centered and stable. Tilt the dolly slightly backward and use the handles to guide the dresser up the stairs slowly and steadily. Have a helper support the dresser from the bottom to ensure stability and prevent it from tipping.
  8. Take It Step by Step: When moving the dresser upstairs, take it one step at a time. Maintain clear communication with your helper and coordinate your movements to ensure a safe and coordinated effort. Avoid rushing or attempting to lift the dresser beyond your capabilities, as this can lead to accidents or injuries.
  9. Secure the Dresser: Once the dresser is in its desired upstairs location, secure it to the wall using straps or ropes. This additional precaution will prevent any accidental tipping or shifting, especially if the dresser is top-heavy.


Moving a dresser upstairs requires careful planning, preparation, and teamwork. By following this step-by-step guide, you can safely and efficiently move your dresser without professional assistance. Remember to take precautions, such as measuring doorways and staircases, protecting the dresser with blankets, utilizing furniture sliders or a dolly, and securing the dresser in its new location.

With patience, coordination, and the right tools, you can successfully navigate the challenge of moving a dresser upstairs and enjoy a well-organized living space in your new location.